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  • Writer's pictureHüdanur TÜYSÜZ

🔷 Learning Management Systems

What is LMS? What are the advantages of using LMS?

Learning management system is a software where you can share content, collaborate with people, and manage the courses. In short, LMS is an online system that supports e-learning with its features. Blackboard and Moodle are some of the examples of LMS that people use generally.

LMS is a great way to save the time and reduce the cost. The system manages the courses for the teachers and the students. Tracking students’ attendance, giving online assessments, having a chance to give two-sided feedbacks (teacher- student, student-teacher) and getting notifications and messages are some of the beneficial features that LMS have.

Here is a blog post about one of the Learning Management System which is Blackboard. If you want to learn more about LMS, you can read the blogpost and also you can watch the video below.

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