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  • Writer's pictureHüdanur TÜYSÜZ


Let's learn online education tools together! What is Edmodo? How to use?

I will be introducing some of the webtools that may be beneficial for teachers and students as a series under the title ‘Teaching On – Line’. I hope you like it.

As a first blog post, I want to start with writing about Edmodo. Distance education has become a part of our lives since the beginning of 2020 because of the pandemic. During this time, most of the teachers and students need to find ways to be able to continue their education.

Giving assignments and doing quizzes to see the progress of the students are the habits of most of the teachers and they are quite important. But how is it possible to assign homework and apply quizzes online? How can a teacher track his/her students easily? The answer is Edmodo.

Edmodo is a platform which enables teachers, students and even parents to share, communicate and follow what is given easily. It is available for free. I will explain this platform by dividing the topics three.

Edmodo for Teachers:

  • Teachers create their own online class or group by adding their students.

  • They can prepare posts to share on their page.

  • They can create quizzes and assignment with free tools.

  • They can easily check the assignments and quizzes that their students made.

  • They can contact students and parents through comments or private message section.

Edmodo for Students:

  • They can follow what is posted and they can leave comment and add the post to their own library in case they need it later.

  • They need to complete the assignments and take the quizzes on time. Every assignment and quiz have a due date.

  • They can contact their teacher if there is a problem with the lessons.

Edmodo for Parents:

  • Each parent has a code to access to the online classes that their child in it.

  • Apart from the teacher parents can also view their child's work.

  • They can contact the teacher.

Edmodo is a great place/platform which facilitates online education not only for teachers but also students and parents.

If you want to learn more about Edmodo you can watch the guide videos down below for teachers, students, and parents.

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